ATAK Products

Android Team Awareness Kit (ATAK-CIV)

TAK for Government

Android Tactical Assault Kit for Military

See ATAK plugins available for download.
WinTAK Products

Windows OS Team Awareness Kit for Civilians

The Windows Tactical Assault Kit (WinTAK) is a software application and mapping framework for Windows devices.

See WinTAK plugins available for download.
Other Products

Android End-User Device (EUD)
Testing of ATAK is done across a range of Samsung devices due to device fielding primacy.

iTAK has a subset of ATAK capabilities designed for Apple iOS smart phone and tablet devices. These include maps and imagery, overlays, chat, video, and situational awareness. The user interface follows the Human Interface Guideline documentation provided by Apple. Users create, share and access tactical data such as points, pictures and video during operations or as part of pre-operational mission planning ensuring data is up to date whenever a network connection is available.

PiTAK provides reliable communications alternative to User Datagram Protocol (UDP)

TAK Server
TAK Server is a tactical information management platform that provides data access and encryption across disparate networks. TAK Server secures, brokers, and stores data in standalone and federated configurations. It is required whenever TAK clients are not operating in a peer-to-peer network or there is an operational need to encrypt and store mission data. Client plugins, such as DataSync and Execution Checklist, also require TAK Server.

TAK Tracker
TAK Tracker is a lightweight standalone android application for sending location information to a TAK Server. Additionally it supports sending chat and emergency messages.

TAKX is the culmination of two prominent Windows-based Command and Control platforms: WinTAK and RaptorX. Both provide an extremely robust moving map, imagery/terrain analytics, enhanced collaboration, blue force tracking (BFT), and overall communication and situational integration at various levels of the mission planning process. Below are the releases encompassing a new look and feel.
Virtual Reality TAK. Supports most commercially available VR systems and also runs in desktop (keyboard and mouse) mode.

WebTAK is a lightweight, situational awareness map-based web application. WebTAK doesn't require a hard installation, allowing quick access to a common operating picture (COP) in operation centers (OC). It can be run on any operating system or device type, allowing you to also access your mission critical data on-the-go with your mobile device.